Designed to support your Equine's Topline development, gastrointestinal health, joint health, cardiovascular health, coat health and immune system functionality.
Use as a top dressing supplement with your current feed.
Pair with Cavalry Oil Part A for best results
Part B- Certified Organic Atlantic Kelp; boasting over 60 vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to support your horse's Topline and overall health.
With millions of added probiotics, Cavalry Oil part B promotes better nutritional absorption and better digestion of the feed you’re currently using. This means your horse utilizes their feed better and wastes less out the back end.
Gain the edge you're looking for with Cavalry Oil part B.
Ride to Victory with Cavalry Oil!
Cavalry Oil Part B
Simply top dress your Cavalry Horse Pellet or your feed of choice with a 100ml of Cavalry Oil (A) and 1 Tablespoon of Cavalry Vitamin Mix (B).
If your horse needs more energy, or you are looking to help it gain weight reference the maximum serving sizes below. If your equine friend has not been on oil before, we recommend starting them slow, and build them up to the desired serving level.
Horse Weight Cavalry Oil Cavalry Vitamin Mix
kg lb Pumps/ML Tablespoons /Grams
100 220 3.5/100ml 1 15
200 441 7/200ml 2 30
300 661 10.5/300ml 3 45
400 882 14/400ml 4 60
500 1100 17.5/500ml 5 75