Premium Poultry Feeds
When we make our feed, our mission is to empower you with a resource to help you raise beautiful, healthy layers that produce exceptional quality eggs and high-caliber meat from Broilers and Turkeys.
We begin by sourcing all of our ingredients close to home, with many of them coming directly from farms here in Stevens County. We then add all our ingredients into our grinder/mixer, meticulously preparing each batch of feed for your animals.
Why Probiotics?
Beneficial bacteria added to the diet aid digestion and nutrient absorption resulting in faster growth and better overall health. Direct fed microbials also replenish the beneficial bacteria flora, those "good bacteria" which directly compete with destructive or harmful pathogens such as Coccidia, E. coli and Salmonella spp. Excess beneficial bacteria are excreted in the manure where they help correct the balance of bacteria in the litter. -Feeding Pasture-Raised Poultry by Jeff Mattocks

"Winter Ration"
16% Protein
For Laying Poultry
100% Non-GMO
Our Winter ration has been formulated to provide the proper mix of proteins and fats to help your hens stay comfortable through the
Pacific Northwest's colder seasons.
Our winter ration also has higher levels of the amino acid Methionine which is the most essential amino acid for feather growth and is vital when your birds start their winter molt.
Our Premium Layer has been designed and specifically formulated
for the Pacific Northwest.
Ingredients: Wheat, Whole Peas, Canola Meal, Camelina Meal, Calcium Carbonate, Alfalfa,
Oyster shell, Raw Canola Oil, Vitamin/Mineral Mix
Probiotics and enzymes added, aiding in better digestion, better absorption of the nutrients and better overall health of your birds.
Enhanced with Cold Pressed raw Canola Oil rich in Omega 3's.
Oyster shell added so you don't have to!

22% Protein
Turkeys Hatch- Harvest
All other poultry Hatch - Week 4
100% Non-GMO
Wheat, Peas, Canola Meal, Camelina Meal, Alfalfa, Fish Meal, Raw Canola Oil, Vitamin/Mineral Mix, Probiotics, Enzymes
Probiotics and enzymes added, aiding in better digestion, better absorption of the nutrients and better overall health of your birds.
Enhanced with cold pressed raw canola oil rich in Omega 3's.
Why Fish Meal?
In field studies done by Fertrell, they have found that meat birds fed a ration with fish meal had a higher live weight averaging 1.9 pounds more than those without fish as well as a better feed to weight conversion."Fish meal helps to balance all of the essential amino acids, most importantly methionine and lysine." In addition, “This helps to stimulate the bird’s appetite because poultry have an instinctive craving for meat proteins."
What this means to you is that with fish meal, your birds should convert the feed into meat better and grow bigger in a shorter time. With a better feed conversion you will spend less on feed per pound of meat that you raise for your family.

19% Protein
Broilers Week 5- Harvest
Pullets Week 5 - Week 18 or the first egg
100% Non-GMO
Wheat, Peas, Canola Meal, Camelina Meal, Alfalfa, Raw Canola Oil, Vitamin/Mineral Mix, Fish meal, probiotics, enzymes
Probiotics and enzymes added, aiding in better digestion, better absorption of the nutrients and better overall health of your birds.
Enhanced with cold pressed raw canola oil rich in Omega 3's.
Why Fish Meal?
In field studies done by Fertrell, they have found that meat birds fed a ration with fish meal had a higher live weight averaging 1.9 pounds more than those without fish as well as a better feed to weight conversion."Fish meal helps to balance all of the essential amino acids, most importantly methionine and lysine." In addition, “This helps to stimulate the bird’s appetite because poultry have an instinctive craving for meat proteins."
What this means to you is that with fish meal, your birds should convert the feed into meat better and grow bigger in a shorter time. With a better feed conversion you will spend less on feed per pound of meat that you raise for your family.
What this means to you is that with fish meal, your birds should convert the feed into meat better and grow bigger in a shorter time. With a better feed conversion you will spend less on feed per pound of meat that you raise for your family.

19% Protein.
For your mixed flock.
Added niacin for your ducks and geese.
100% Non-GMO.
Available as a mash or pellet.
Wheat, Peas, Canola Meal, Camelina Meal, Alfalfa, Vitamin/Mineral Mix, Raw Canola Oil, Probiotics, Enzymes
Probiotics and enzymes added, aiding in better digestion, better absorption of the nutrients and better overall health of your birds.
Enhanced with cold pressed raw canola oil rich in Omega 3's.
If feeding to laying poultry, be sure to offer free choice oyster shell or another source of calcium.