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You can now shop online and pickup

after hours or on the weekends!

Same day pickup available Tue-Friday if placed before 4pm.

How it works:

  1.  Shop for any bagged* item i.e. Dog Food, Cat Food, Chicken Feed, etc.

  2. Purchase the item through the online store. 

  3. Click "Locker" for your shipping option.

  4. Once your order is ready, we will send you an email with a code for the locker.

  5. Pick up your order at your convenience.** 

*Not available for BYOC, bulk feed or wholesale. ** Order will be held in locker for 2 business days (Tuesday-Friday) and up to 3 days over the weekend (Saturday-Monday). Beyond this time, customer will need to contact us to extend the locker use. Lockers are limited and are not intended for holding orders. 

Image by Mike Petrucci
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